Monday, October 31, 2011

Preschool Funding Campaign

As many of you will have heard, the State government has increased the fees for preschool by more than double. As the childcare rebate is not available for preschools in public schools our wonderful preschool at Darlington is threatened with closure due to low numbers.

Click on these links to read some recent newspaper articles about the issue:

August 16: Spelling out how NSW preschools can do better

September 8: Preschool fees move has parents doing sums and raising expectations

October 9: Preschool fee jump pressures parents

October 27: Preschool fee backdown is cheery news (for some schools)

October 28: Child's play no more - preschool enrolments tumble with new fees

November 1: A good early start is a child's best chance

To send a form letter to the NSW Premier, Barry O'Farrell, NSW Minister for Education, Adrian Piccoli, and your local State MP, go to Stop Fees in DEC Preschools at the NSW Teachers Federation Website. Please add a personal message if possible.

Best of all, please download the petition at the Redwatch website, get it filled out and return to the S&C President (details on the form).

Thank you to everyone

Just a quick note to say thank you to all involved with the Halloween Fete last Saturday and to all of you who came along. It was a great success. Bec Askew was phenomenal in bringing it all together, ably assisted by a great team on the stalls, a stellar bunch of performers, as well those of you who came along and departed with a few bucks to help our school out. I hope you had a good time.

It was also a terrific opportunity for the Darlington Public School Community to come together. It’s always great meeting new parents and those parents you don’t usually bump into during the hurried drop offs and pick-ups. We’re a good bunch, I reckon.

And most importantly, we raised $12,000!! A great effort. More news soon on where these valuable funds will be spent to further improve the great thing we’ve got going at Darlington.


[S&C President]

Fantastic Halloween Fete

Dear Everyone,

Firstly a huge thank you for all your time effort in volunteering your time at the fete on Saturday. It was great to see so many smiling faces around the school, and you really helped make the day the huge success that it was. And thanks also to all of you who invited friends, family and neighbours along – I saw lots of grandparents, aunts and uncles all added to the atmosphere. I got feedback from lots of people that they really enjoyed the relaxed feeling, and that they felt welcomed into our school community – I think this is why we had so many people there from outside the school!

Thank you also to those of you who helped in the lead up to Saturday, whether it was selling wristbands at the gate, getting publicity for the event (we were promoted in a number of places including the City of Sydney site and the SMH Events section and I think even on ABC radio), helping sort out the massive amount of “stuff” we had donated to us, or setting up in the morning on Saturday.

We still have some money to collect from the silent auctions, but it looks, at this stage, like we have raised around $12,000 for our school!

Thanks once again, and I hope you had a really great day on Saturday – I know I did!

[Our Wonderful Fete Organiser]

Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween Fete reminder

Hi everyone,

The school website is having problems being updated at the moment so may as well keep the blog running for a bit.

Don't forget the huge Halloween Fete is on this Saturday from 10 - 4. We are still asking for donations for the stalls:
  • crafts, toys, games
  • books, toys
  • bric-a-brac
  • records, dvds, cds
  • preserves, jams, pickles
  • biscuits, breads, cakes, slices, muffins (can be dropped off in the canteen on friday or the morning of the fete)
  • quality products / vouchers for the silent auction
  • bottles of wine, bath oils, food oils, food products etc for the Tombola Stall
  • gifts for raffle baskets like soaps, oils, stationery, wine, gourmet foods, scarves, coffees, teas, nice cane baskets
Have a look at All recipes for some great Halloween cupcake ideas!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Info now on School Website - S&C page

Hi all,

After a short burst of activity on the blog we decided at the last meeting to use the S&C page on the new school website instead.

For updates on S&C events please go to the 'School & Community' page at To contact the S&C email

The 'Weekly Bulletins' page also has good updates of school events and happenings. To subscribe to those on email contact the school administrator on 9516 2300.

If you would like any content added to the S&C page of the school website please email it to me at


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog is back up!

Hi everyone,

The blog is back up again and you can email me ( or if you would like any notices put up.

Some recent events:

Trivia Fundraiser
Congratulations and thank you to everyone who organised and participated in the Trivia Fundraising night in August.

The S&C raised over $4,400, which is fantastic, and we all had a great night as well.

October Fete
We are working on holding a fete in October, and we are looking for volunteers. If you can help in any capacity please email

New S&C Office Bearers
The S&C Committee AGM was held on 14 September and some positions changed hands. Although I am new I am sure the rest of the committee would want me to pass on their thanks to the outgoing President Nick Vanos for all his hard work over the last few years and I am sure he will still be around to help organise events.

I am still checking contact details to post but the current positions are:
President: Pete Wilson
Treasurer: Jen Burn
Secretaries: Anna Butler, Liz Potter and Suzy Pickles

New School Website
The website has had a major revamp and looks amazing. Check it out at

Dates and Reminders
  • School starts back Monday 10th October
  • Next S&C Meeting is Wednesday 12th October
  • Darlington Aftercare AGM is on Tuesday 11th October at Aftercare at 6:15
  • Don't forget the form and $40 to participate in the 'Sport Schools in Australia' program this term.
Enjoy the rest of the holidays!
(new blog manager)