There is no play equipment for school students at Darlington Public School, we have limited space for children to play, and it is run down with some safety issues. For many years parents have requested playground improvements, dating back at least to the 2009 P&C Committee who were working towards a goal to raise $20-$30K for playground equipment for older children (at that time there was some play equipment for younger children, however this has since been removed due to disrepair).There are also some concerns related to safety of the existing playground space:
- The top playground has a dip in the surface caused by soil subsidence which is a tripping hazard and negatively affects any kind of ball play. It has been repaired once before, yet the problem has repeated. Cost to fix is approximately $30K however we believe this is under warranty and will be handled by DEC.
- The top playground area with the dirt running the boundary with the old IXL building has asbestos and lead contamination. Presumably the asbestos is not a current safety issue but must be considered when doing any works.
- Totem poles are rotting & old termite damage.
- Overcrowding and lack of play equipment may increase the chance of friction amongst children in the playground.
The working group will:
Stage One: Investigate issue- work with the Principal to ensure school needs are met, including student consultation & involvement
- consider any OH&S or council requirements
- note current problems or limitations (n.b. dip in top playground that needs fixing, reputed soil contamination under top playground, limited space)
- investigate different playground improvement options and shortlist best.
- determine funding needs, & opportunities (grants, donations, fundraising, DEC money, etc)
- present plan / recommendations back to the P&C & principal to determine if we proceed to Stage 2.
Stage Two: Implementation
- source best suppliers, quotes, costings
- raise money for playground improvements (with help from greater P&C)
- implement playground improvements, which may include a working be or be staggered over several years as funding permits.
Actions taken so far
Student consultation has been kickstarted with an optional Project Design Project to complete over the school holidays.
Get Involved
To get involved, or provide feedback, contact:
Viv Smith and Rebecca Shanahan
This page will be updated as more information becomes available.
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