To help keep our kids safe, please
- Escort younger kids across crossings rather than dropping them off and observing from your car.
- Use the roundabout to make turns: illegal U turns near crossings over double lines are unsafe.
- Don’t stop in the road at the crossings to drop off your kids, this blocks other drivers’view of them and other children.
A survey of traffic on Abercrombie and Golden Grove Streets was conducted in Week 2 by Oz Traffic, and this is the first step to hopefully get a “Lollypop person.”
Crossing Duty
In the absence of an official "Lollypop person", you may have seen the parent volunteer assistants in hi-vis vests attending at the two pedestrian crossings nearest the school. The role of the assistants is to increase driver awareness of the crossings by providing a clear, visible adult presence.This role is informal and assistants have no authority to stop or direct traffic or pedestrians, but we have found that their presence effectively calms traffic by causing cars to slow down and check their driving environment.
Ideally we’d like to have two assistants present per crossing, morning and afternoon. It takes 30 minutes, and is done on a rotation basis so you can commit just for one session per week if that suits.
If you can help out with crossing duty please contact Rebecca: