Friday, November 6, 2009

November meeting postponed one week

Dear wonderful Darlington parents, staff, friends and community,

The Fete on Saturday was a brilliant success, in part because of the weather but primarily because of the incredible effort, time, optimism and sheer kindness of so many of you who volunteered beforehand and on the day in A myraid of different capacities. A massive thanks to you all - ESPECIALLY STALL CO-ORDINATORS who may never have volunteered had they known the incredible output required of them for 8 hours on Saturday. It was particularly astonishing that the whole school was stripped and cleaned up within an hour of the Fete finishing. Now that really is an advertisement for the might of volunteer labour!

In gratitude
The Fete Team

Now for some important information which you should have received from your child on a yellow A5 note.

Congratulations and Thanks

To all parents, staff, children and over 100 volunteers who made the Giant Halloween Fete such a magnificent day.

$ Raised

Approximately $12 000


The raffle will be drawn this Friday 6th Nov, 1pm instead of December 11 so please bring any raffle tickets in before then. Children can bring coins to school this Friday to purchase the leftover drinks, juice sticks and icecreams from the Fete.

Cornettos $2

Mini Magnums $1

Drinks $1

Frozen Fruit tubes 50c

POSTPONED NEXT School And Community Association MEETING

The next meeting of the S and C has been postponed from this week to next Wednesday 11th November, 6-7.15pm - staff room. All welcome to attend.

Officebearers for 09/2010

President – Nick Vanos Treasurer – Jen Burn

Secretary – Marijke Tombs and Sue Newsome