Hello everyone from the Darlington public school community.
I just wanted to apologise for the long silence here on the S&C website. For those who don't know, not long after the last S&C meeting recorded here I lost my son Telemachus in a tragic accident.
Since I had only just set up the website no one else had been organised to take it over, hence it being left inactive during my grief.
Last month I recommenced attending S&C meetings, though I have resigned as secretary. Our previous secretary Sarah Barker stepped in for the last months of last year and the beginning of this year, and as of last month's meeting Marijke Tombs and Sue Newsome are the new joint secretaries. I am going to keep updating the website but am no longer a member of the executive.
So from now on Darlington S&C will have an up to date website and a stable executive once more. Last month's minutes are now on this site, as are the dates for S&C meetings in the coming months. Over the next few weeks the S&C calendar of events will be added, and any other items that are available.
thanks for your patience,
Michael Texilake.